Reigning Coach of the Split Bencel is with us again to break down who was the best player for each of our OPL teams in Week One. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below!
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Dire Wolves: Chippys
The task was big this week for Chippys when DW faced off against Chiefs without their star jungler Shernfire. The pressure on him to carry was greater than usual and against Swiper it was a big ask but Chippys showed he could meet the challenge and carried his team with some exquisite team fighting on Vladimir and ability to survive the Gangplank into Camille matchup with ease.

The Chiefs: Destiny
Forced to lane with mid laner Phantiks in bot lane, Destiny showed he could protect even the most vulnerable carries. With Raes I expect Destiny to shine more but I think he was the standout performer with game saving Tahm and Braum play. He showed a strong grasp of the best 3 meta support champions on the current patch.

This match was expected to be a stomp for Order and it was just a question of who would shine the most on this team of carries. FBI got the most attention and enabling from his team on this occasion and he made good use of it. He never fails to output tonnes of damage and putting him on Kog’Maw and his beloved Ezreal demonstrated this immensely.

Tectonic: Shok
We saw great signs from a team that no one had expectations for and Shok was the key component here. Typically a player who leans on safe control mages, he pulled out the dubious Urgot mid pick and had really solid team fighting in both games. This is a team that once they learn to survive the early game and recognise their strengths in team fighting can make beating them a hard task for any opponent.

Sin Gaming: Praedyth
Good and bad moments from everyone on Sin this week but overall in team fighting and laning phase Praedyth proved himself to be Sins trump card. The team is definitely still learning how to divide their resources but I expect more of Juves’ and Bdoink’s attention to go to Praedyth in coming weeks as the team learns how to convert their early game leads.

Legacy: Raid
Almost flawless play from Raid this week, in particular in his team fighting. Raid has always been a player who played extremely low risk but his damage in team fights was always questionable. This week was the first step to removing that stigma and he showed he is a carry force to be targeted by other teams.

Bombers: Tiger
In a very one-sided affair against AV it was hard to find something positive from the Bombers but Tiger was the most consistent member this week. Despite his team having rough early games all across the map he stayed even in cs and managed to be safe in team fights. With more time I expect some big carry performances from him.

Avant Gaming: Pabu
Pabu always seems to have the most question marks over him when he joins a team. People have an expectation that he wants to be carrying but in reality he wants to do what his team needs. His laning has always been up and down but up against the sub in Artaphernes he was expected to win handily, and that he did. Not only this but he was able to translate his lead into baron control and good TP usage which is something we are not used to seeing from him, a great start to the season for him and AV.