Reigning Coach of the Split Bencel is with us again to break down who was the best player for each of our OPL teams in Week Four. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below! Player images courtesy of

Avant: Blinky
Putting Blinky on Kog’Maw for all 3 games really put the pressure on him to be a big damage threat for his team this week. I have been very critical of Blinky for a long time with his on and off performances, but this week he really shouldered the burden and carried his team. Blinky has often had problems with going forward and back at the wrong times on champions like Tristana. This week however he moved forward and back like the best ADC’s in the region and it was really great to see.

Tectonic: Low
Most weeks we have been looking to Shok on Tectonic to be responsible for the lion’s share of the damage. This week Low showed some diversity in what champions he can be successful with. Usually Low would be associated with the utility style carries such as Sivir and Varus but he went with the more mobile, ability based carries this week in Tristana and Ezreal. Diversity is something I always value highly when assessing a players progression.

Chiefs: Destiny
Ryoma and Raes both looked good in this series but had some serious lapses that made it hard to pick them as the MVP. Destiny on the other hand looked solid as a rock and once again is setting up his team like no other support in the OPL. I would really like to highlight Destiny’s Alistar as a really strong pick right now. I think it will become a contested pick or ban for teams against Chiefs in the coming weeks if it isn’t already. The confidence he shows on the dives and lack of hesitation to pull the trigger on flash combos is simply awesome.

Legacy: Mimic
Legacy looked all out of sorts this week. Mimic was definitely the one who stayed strong in all three games. At times his laning is questionable in particular when it comes to interacting with his jungler Sybol. However his team fighting and ability to outplay ganks are definitely his strong points right now. He is also drawing a lot of bans for someone who is still performing well on his 4th and 5th best champions. Legacy are still finding their identity but Mimic seems to fit well into one where he can be left on his own and relied upon to show up in team fights.

Bombers: Looch
Another sad week for the Bombers and disappointing to see they haven’t improved their team play. The members are getting caught around the map at bizarre times and they don’t seem to be on the same page around objectives. Looch is the only one who isn’t consistently flubbing his positioning at critical moments. He does lack proactivity where the other members all seem to at least have some. The problem is they all want to be proactive at different times and it just looks like a mess.

SIN: Bdoink
Another great week for Bdoink. Juves set up the fights really well in games 2 and 3 to lead Sin to victory but Bdoink’s team fight target prioritisation and positioning were impeccable. He was able to turn 1v2s and his team was there to back him up. The communication is starting to look good on the Sin side and you have to look at the duo of Juves and Bdoink as the main factor here. I doubt teams will give Bdoink the Cassiopeia into Ryze matchup in future weeks.

Dire Wolves: Triple
Dire Wolves bot lane really stepped up this week. Cupcake and King both had stellar performances which made it really hard to pick an MVP for Dire Wolves and if I could pick 3 I would. Choosing between King and Triple was so tough. They both came up super clutch in team fights and dealt loads of damage. I ended up going with Triple because his play is really what kept them in game 2 while King was struggling in that game. This week Dire Wolves showed why they are the best team. They have carry threat from every role.

ORDER: Rogue
Some good team fighting from Rogue this week. But really we can’t go past his game 2 Thresh play. This game solidified him as the best thresh player OCE has ever produced and the fact that he kept capping Shernfire made this game all the sweeter. Playing against Rogue’s Thresh when your responsibility is to ward for your team must be one of the most frustrating things to face in our region and he reminded us of this fact in this game. His Taric ultimates were pretty good too.