Reigning Coach of the Split Bencel is with us again to break down who was the best player for each of our OPL teams in Week Seven. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below! Player images courtesy of

Avant: Only
Only was all over the map this week. He was able to keep up with Swathe in farm on Jax in game 1. Later in that game he showed some excellent team fighting on a champion that is difficult to execute on. He tied up multiple members of the enemy back line while having very little gold to do so. Game 2 he was given the role of outpacing the enemy jungler as Nidalee. He successfully helped his team get through the early game and transition into their poke comp.

Tectonic: Shok
Game 1 Papryze had a bigger impact, but throughout both games Shok was once again the only player to stay consistent on the Tectonic lineup. Shok managed to not get caught out by Jayke’s Alistar in game 2 where the rest of his team failed. For a team that is still struggling to find their identity and transition leads, much weight falls on the shoulders of their most consistent member who acts as the cornererstone for now.

Bombers: Looch
Not only did Looch demonstrate some depth in his champion pool this week, but he still is a beastly threat on safe scaling carries like Corki. Karma is not a champion Looch would normally be associated with but he showed he can facilitate his team while being the biggest threat on the map. This is a good look for Looch and yet another positive thing we can say about Bombers prospects looking at split 2.

Sin: Cuden
This may have been the hardest team to pick an MVP from all split. I think you could comfortably pick almost any other player in this series from Sin and have valid reasons as to why they would be your MVP. This is where my bias for consistency comes in and is why I give it to Cuden this week for Sin. Cuden has definitely become more a playmaker compared to last time we saw him in the OPL. On a champion like Braum he goes forward way more and growth like that is really good to see. He does a great job of keeping Dream safe when the game is capitulating around them and I think Sin’s bot lane have proven to be a solid pair.

Chiefs: Destiny
Chiefs’ carries have been the beneficiaries of some of the best setups in the entire league. Swiper and Babip do a great job in their own right of starting fights for their carry members. However you can’t go past Destiny when it comes to taking decisive action. This man has been on the ball with his engages and quick thinking to turn fights around. Of all the bot lanes in the league he and Raes have shown they are the quickest at thinking on their feet and turning bad looking situations around.

Legacy: Mimic
Legacy have been playing with Mimic in the side lanes a lot recently. Their core 4 members of the 4-1 have been looking extremely shaky in their ability to get vision around objectives and manage wave priority around mid. This has meant more reliance on Mimic to create pressure for his team. His laning phase is looking cleaner and his timing on when to group or split has looked better too. Legacy still have a lot to work on to compete with the top 3 but the pieces are there.

ORDER: Swiffer
Swiffer has slowly been rising from his slump and this week he looked almost back to his old self. Games 1 and 2 I would say he was more impactful than Triple, which at this stage is no easy feat. He commanded the map more and combined well with Spookz to have control over mid lane. This has not been a consistent factor for Order this split. The timing on Swiffer’s ultimates in team fights is something he still does better than any other oceanic mid and I would stamp as his trademark.

Dire Wolves: Chippys
Chippys has been able to take a back seat for the middle part of this season to his mid laner and bot lane. They have been doing most of the heavy lifting in the early parts of the games. This week it was time for Chippys to accept his promotion to veteran status. When the times were tough, he showed up big time. Chippys is really a feast or famine sort of player. He plays selfishly on champions like Camille and Gangplank and really puts a lot of pressure on himself to be the one to carry. Once he has items the games often hinge on how impactful he can be in a side lane or entering a team fight late. This week was a good one for Chippys, and on his good weeks it doesn’t matter who the opposition is he has the ability to tear them to shreds.