Welcome to the Snowball Esports OPL Power Rankings for Split 2.
With OPL starting tomorrow, here are the preview (or Week 0) power rankings! Our panel this split consists of Snowball’s own Andrew Wray, Reece Perry, Callum Matthews and Swifty. New for power rankings this split is the Community slot. These are made up of 5 OPL fan’s personal power rankings, averaged together.

Want more detail as to why our panel put the teams in the order they did? Click below for more thoughts from each pundit.
It may seem a big call to leave the Dire Wolves as first place after a team loses the Split MVP, however the Dire Wolves have plenty of star power and changing from a carry top to a tank top laner may make the Dire Wolves team more rounded.
ORDER have a lot to prove this split, they did not live up to the “super team” tag that was labelled at the start of the year.
Predicting places 5-8 almost feel like I may as well spin a wheel of fortune or throw darts to guess their ranking. I’ve placed MAMMOTH 5th as I feel like they’ve gained the most from their imports filling in the massive holes in their roster. It also feels incredibly harsh to put the bombers 8th especially with the expectation of them improving however I can’t help but get a feel that the bottom teams from last split may have potentially closed the gap.
Let Andrew know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @AWray7
DW dropping 3 spots may appear harsh but I think their move seriously unbalances the map against the rest of the top 5 in the short term. It may work out better as time passes – indeed one expects that is what DW are playing for – but it does leave work to do in the short term.
For my money Chiefs are the best top-to-bottom with ORDER there knocking on the door. MAMMOTH I could see placing literally anywhere in the top 5. I have to be concerned that DarkSide is no better than a side-grade until I see him play in the OPL. His resume is not great.
Bombers changing nothing means they can’t be placed ahead of teams they did not place ahead of in Split 1, though having their full roster from Week One means I see room for growth. I’m allowing room for Tectonic’s new bot lane to blow me away but until we see it I can’t move them from 8th
Let Reece know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @LoLTies
After a multitude of changes across the board it is difficult to truly gauge how each of the teams will perform in competition.
While MMA (and possibly TTC if rumours are confirmed to be true) have both been able to pick up what many deem to be notable upgrades. Despite this, both teams have a very limited time in which to gel. Due to this, and a lack of knowledge of the imports in comparison to OCE talent, I find it difficult to place either of these teams out of the bottom three and their position reflect last splits placings. Both of these teams have significant room to climb the ladder if the stars align.
AV and BMR have switched places, with AV picking up Praelus whom while subbing for DW at the start of Split 1 is still largely a rookie and at best I consider to be a side grade when compared to Only and with the upgrade of talent across the competition have fallen a couple of places. BMR maintaining roster stability and with consideration of the improvements the team had made as both individuals and as a team sees them rise to the 5th place position.
Top half of the ladder is quite interesting with the recent announcement of Biopanther taking the top lane position. This speaks to a want to play a more controlled style of League of Legends, which in something DW have stated many times through the year. However fall down a notch with the consideration Biopanther is a rookie and breaks from DW traditional play.
Personally, I consider the top four to be very close and any of the teams can shift depending on how there pre seasons have gone. And as such these rankings replicate last seasons placings for the most part.
Let Callum know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @CDMLoL
My 1-3 are pretty close still as a trio. With the change Dire Wolves made on the top side of the map, I can see them taking a couple of weeks to get accustomed, but the experience and talent on that roster still merits them a spot. 4-8 I also see as very close, with the gap continuously closing between them and the top dogs.
MAMMOTH I’m hoping to see stomp into the split with some crazy fun games, and can see that lineup doing well. Particularly looking forward to seeing Mash in action as an AD main. Bombers with no changes to the roster means they’ve had ample time to now get down to business and gel together as the team they were built to be. I’m super happy to see Praelus picked up by Avant, thoroughly enjoyed watching him play early in split 1, but can’t help but wonder if he will be a large improvement over Only. As well as a new AD, AV are hungry and could surprise me with their changes.
Lastly I can’t say much about Tectonic other than I’m happy to see roster changes and I hope they find their footing quickly with the experience of Sybol and some fresh faces to the OPL in the bot lane.
Let Swifty know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @Swift_y
Making its debut for the first time this split is the Community slot! The community power rankings are calculated using the average of our community panel which includes @ammeplays, @Dvcky_, @hispanicatd_, @insearchofshoe and @mordredoce.
Let us know what you think of the Community power rankings on Twitter @snowballesports