Reece “LoLTies” Perry is on hand to bring us the Snowball MVP’s of the Week for Split 2, Week 4. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below!

Tectonic: Trance
I think so far we’ve been able to make fairly compelling arguments that this could just be Papryze every week but this is the first week I think that Trance has been equally as responsible for Tectonic’s wins as Papryze has been. Oddly enough it’s a week where his scoreboard doesn’t reflect his level of play. He really makes the play that seals game one with a critical lone Fiddlesticks flank and the Fiddle pick overall denies what the Chiefs wanted to do. The Split 1 2017 Chiefs placed a high ban priority on Syndra for a similar reason, looking at the overall strategical picture and it’ll be interesting how they adapt to what picks like Fiddlesticks do to what has made them so successful. It’s a credit to Trance’s execution and Tectonic’s leadership that they’ve so exposed this.

Chiefs: Raes
Another week and another impressive showing from the Chiefs’ star player. He’ll be frustrated by the loss but he’s just in such a clean vein of form that he looks sublime on everything he touches. For my reckoning, Raes is the “any champ, any time, any place” player and it lends such flexibility to what the Chiefs want to do that he can show up and Be Excellent on anything he touches. It’s immensely valuable in the current metagame and his performances have been commensurate with this value.

Dire Wolves: Triple
Could very easily have given this to k1ng this time around, but Triple is the reason they’re able to really take Legacy out behind the woodshed and give them the ol’ Lassie treatment. As those of us who went to Rift Rivals got to experience first-hand, Claire has the capability to be destructive in the mid lane and Triple has shown a repeated ability to shut down the enemy mid while being highly influential in his own right.

Legacy: Only
Hard to find a positive point in this match that went really wrong, really quickly, in really a lot of areas for Legacy. Once again, when a team has a bit of a roughie, we look for the positive points about the map when things go this badly. And not for the first time this split, the best things happen around their jungler Only. He didn’t get much of a chance to do what he wanted to do but the few times that Legacy was able to mount resistance, he was on hand to be a contributor to that.

ORDER: Swiffer
Swiffer takes this on the back of some superlative Galio play. Some may cynically call that an oxymoron but I love Swiffer on this pick, and I love how ORDER plays when Swiffer is on this pick. He’s such a smart player that it really allows him to bring all of Galio’s kit exactly where it needs to be, exactly when it needs to be there. I think it brings all of their strength in fighting around objectives to the fore when he can be handling lanes and then come to the fight whenever he’s needed. Rogue deserves a shoutout too for playing a pair of very strong games to open the set, but as the third game played out it became clear that Swiffer had pulled ahead as the stronger player on the day and the MVP for ORDER as they continue their recovery from the first couple of weeks.

MAMMOTH: Chippys
Hopefully Chippys has shown MAMMOTH fans this week that he has acclimatised to life outside the Wolfpack, as he turned in easily his best set since departing the Dire Wolves. It wasn’t him at his dominating best, and it wasn’t enough to get the W, but it was three really hope-inspiring performances from Chippys. This week brings a salivating matchup against Tectonic and their rampaging top laner in Papryze – this could be as big as it gets.

Bombers: Tiger
There are those that may want to give the glory for this set spread across the roster, and indeed it takes a full team effort to hand out a beating like the Bombers did, but Tiger was the catalyst in every sense of the phrase this week. He’s been a top-2 performer for them all year and he was at his dominant best. Perhaps he’s finally comfortable in Oceania, perhaps he took this week a little personally paired up against another European import in DarkSide…whatever it was, we saw a complete Tiger, one we hadn’t yet seen, one that had only been teased to us off of a few encouraging early performances way back in Split 1.

Avant Gaming: Pabu
This has been two straight beltings that Avant have been on the end of and this match was almost without bright spots. When it comes to perhaps finding the player who least leaked things over to the Bombers, i’d have to give it over to Pabu. He won’t feel great about the first blood death in game 2, but other than that his faults were not of his own making. Until it became untenable, he was at least a bother to Bombers on the Singed and his Aatrox after the aforementioned first blood diverted the Bombers’ attention to other parts of the map, and he managed to take turrets in the split push, which at least kept the Bombers honest. Pabu did well into Mimic in split one, so Avant fans will be hoping he continues that form up now that the Rift Rivals break is done with.