Welcome to the Snowball Esports OPL Power Rankings for Split 2, Week Five.
Our panel consists of Snowball’s own Andrew Wray, Reece Perry, Callum Matthews and Swifty. New for power rankings this split is the Community slot. These are made up of our community panel’s individual personal power rankings, averaged together.

Want more detail as to why our panel put the teams in the order they did? Click below for more thoughts from each pundit.
Dire Wolves find themselves pretty much in a league of their own after a 2-0 win over the Chiefs.
ORDER just edge out the Chiefs after Chiefs go 0-2 to DW, next week will provide clarity on the order for the top 3. MAMMOTH come in at 4th after putting the brakes on Tectonic’s momentum.
Legacy find themselves languishing at the foot of the rankings after suffering a heavy loss to Avant.
Fairly straight-forward list this week I think. CHF/ORD is becoming close, as Chiefs have been belted twice in a row, and ORDER continue to rise with a bullet since the Tectonic loss.
MAMMOTH really showed the league something this week, I felt. Chippys put Papryze to the sword and the rest of Tectonic was made to look similarly ordinary. The real squirming takes place at the foot of the ladder. I think these three teams are super-close together which makes splitting them tough.
In the end I think that the Bombers’ win is the most likely to be a fluke among these, so they slot into 8th and of the two remaining teams AV just took the head-to-head, so that’s how they end up. I don’t think there’s any ranking of these three teams where I would definitively say that it was wrong.
Let Reece know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @LoLTies
After another week of the OPL and moving forward to the second half of the split, the standings yet remain unstable.
… Outside of the top two. Chiefs and Dire Wolves having played each other this week were only threatening an ordering shift, and after a 2-0 to the Wolf Pack, no shift was necessary.
Moving into the middle of the pack, Tectonic are once again forced to play with a substitute and while they had been able to beat both Chiefs and ORDER 2-0 with such conditions, succumb to MAMMOTH, seeing them fall down to 5th with both ORDER and MAMMOTH shifting one and two positions respectfully.
The bottom of the ladder, is honestly quite a bit of a shock, being forced to move Legacy down into 8th place following a 2-0 defeat to Avant. Unfortunately for Legacy, Avant remain their kryptonite. That being said, I do not think that this ranking truly represents the ceiling of the team and fully expect them to bounce back in the latter half of the split.
And I say this for the vast majority of the teams in the OPL, as I do not believe that teams are yet to perform at their ceilings, and if they have, on a consistent basis. Being a contributing factor in the fluctuations in the Power Rankings that was not seen in Split 1.
Let Callum know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @CDMLoL
Some shock results this weekend. I honestly believed this would be the weekend we get 12 games of League of Legends, but instead we got the bare minimum in 8. 4 2-0s. Dire Wolves are still looking like they’re not dropping a series anytime soon, while ORDER continue to be on form.
MAMMOTH taking out the dark horses in Tectonic I did expect, once I found out Value was yet again not going to be able to play. The bottom of the standings was a little tougher. Certainly not expecting the 2-0 for Avant (well done lads, out of the slump), and heartbreaking to see Legacy at the bottom of the ladder and the bottom of my rankings.
Let Swifty know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @Swift_y
Making its debut for the first time this split is the Community slot! These are calculated using the average of our community panel’s individual power rankings. This week that is: @ammeplays, @Dvcky_, @hispanicatd_, @insearchofshoe & @mcintyre_lol.
Let us know what you think of the Community power rankings on Twitter @snowballesports