Reece “LoLTies” Perry is on hand to bring us the Snowball MVP’s of the Week for Split 2, Week 5. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below!

ORDER: Tally
You won’t find too much here that you won’t get from the broadcast itself. Tally was simply the best player in the lobby from the first “Welcome to Summoner’s Rift” to the last Nexus explosion. His Vladimir was rightly praised for giving ORDER’s funnel comp the life it needed to get it to its critical mass and in game 2 his Darius absolutely ran rampant over the map. Tally has somewhat quietly re-established himself as one of the best handful of players in the league, and the most impressive part about it is that he is more complete as a player than he has ever been.

Bombers: Looch
Without Looch’s play the match against ORDER begins to look really ordinary for the Bombers. Both games hinged on how he went. As game one went on, the fights went worse and worse as the more ORDER pulled ahead and settled into their comp, the faster Looch was blown up – if Looch couldn’t get towards a second spell rotation, Bombers were never going to win a fight. In Game 2 he went blow-for-blow with Tally right up until the final fight, where, make no mistake, he absolutely blew it in the top lane, but without him, they were done long before that.

Dire Wolves: BioPanther
BioPanther makes the graduation from being “surprisingly Dire Wolves-ready fresh out of OCS” to “genuinely the reason his team has won this match”, and he’s done it against arguably the best opposition he can play against in The Chiefs and Swip3rr straight out of Big Swips’ amazing performance just one week earlier. BioPanther single handedly saved the first game which looked like a near-formality for the Chiefs. In Game 2 he turned in a performance which was reminiscent of Swip3rr himself during Split 1, turning aside gank after gank, nullifying the Chiefs at every turn. This was showing the most important and hard to develop skills at the pro level, against the highest quality opposition. Even at the risk of calling it early, this was BioPanther’s coming of age party.

Chiefs: Ry0ma
It’s impossible to split Ry0ma and Raes for this match. They contributed almost equally in both gameplay and statistical production. If i’m being brutally honest with you i’m picking Ry0ma just to break it up a bit as i’ve given it to Raes two weeks in a row and I didn’t really have anything better to break the gap between them. His Zoe in game 1 in particular looked really strong up until the match turned around.

MAMMOTH: Chippys
“This week brings a salivating matchup against Tectonic and their rampaging top laner in Papryze – this could be as big as it gets.” – This is how I closed last week’s MVP for Chippys and so it should come as no surprise that he earns this weeks’ MVP. Chippys put Papryze to the sword, heaping misery upon him in game one in what was a dominating performance. You could tell that the swagger was back in Chippys’ game for game two, as he picked Gangplank blind into Tectonic for game 2 (after protecting it with two bans, to be fair) and nearly top-damaged with it. Top laners beware, Chippys looks like he’s back.

Tectonic: Gunkrab
Not a lot to write home about for Tectonic in this series, as they were fairly comfortably handled by Mammoth. Trance could have taken it again, but that would have been giving someone MVP for one flash-devour which doesn’t thrill me. In the end i’ve given it to their young stand-in ADC bot laner in Gunkrab, who piled on the damage over two Heimerdinger games. His Stopwatch use in game 2 was less than ideal, but i’m confident they’ll have handled that in review. I’ve been an on-the-record believer in Gunkrab since watching him in OCS last year so i’m glad to see him have another decent performance.

Avant Gaming: Frae
Frae finally takes home an MVP after being a top-2 player for Avant almost every single week. He’s been by far their most consistent player and it showed up against Claire who arrived to the match after having displayed some of his best-ever form. When you’re looking to break a losing run, and you’ve suffered a shocking loss as Avant did last week, this match was undoubtedly a must-win for Avant. In this situation you need your best players to be your best players, and Frae was so today. Especially on his Lucian, which I thought was superlative.

Legacy: Raid
As i’ve often said, you won’t find a bigger fan of Raid than me, but it’s been a quiet split for him. While he hasn’t yet hit his stride I thought he was the best out of a not-great bunch for the trees this week. He had the best underlying numbers and save for being the third death in that spectacular set of three kills for DarkSide’s Caitlyn, he wasn’t a huge contributor to the reasons Legacy lost this match. I’m hoping to see Raid’s name back in this page soon, with a win for Legacy so we can see that he’s unlocked his best once again.