Welcome to the Snowball Esports OPL Power Rankings for Split 2, Week Six.
Our panel consists of Snowball’s own Andrew Wray, Reece Perry, Callum Matthews and Swifty. New for power rankings this split is the Community slot. These are made up of our community panel’s individual personal power rankings, averaged together.

Want more detail as to why our panel put the teams in the order they did? Click below for more thoughts from each pundit.
Dire Wolves holding onto their undefeated run keeps them in first place.
Chiefs with the win over ORDER has them sitting in second place comfortably.
Bottom end of the rankings is the hardest to rank. While Tectonic have been impressive early this split, without some consistency could see them sliding down further.
Let Andrew know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @AWray7
Top of the race is pretty static I think. The only thing I have here to note is that I think that Chiefs and ORDER played two pretty close games, and MAMMOTH and Avant played three games as well. If ORDER had been put away with ease, or if MAMMOTH had handled Avant comfortably then 3 and 4 becomes a big mess. As it is I think it’s close, but clear between MAMMOTH and ORDER, but MAMMOTH are rising with a bullet.
Tectonic fall into the pit of the bottom four with some really baffling stuff from them over the last couple of weeks. Two ugly games from them were matched only by one really smelly game from Legacy which made Tectonic look competitive in game 2.
Speaking of making people look competitive, there are those that might question the order I have the bottom 2 in, and I’m just going to be blunt and say I put absolutely no stock in their win over the Dire Wolves. On rare occasions we’ve seen Shernfire willingly gift a game over to the other team and while you do need to be good enough to catch the throw, the Bombers weren’t good enough to be lifted over Avant from where I was watching. But, as always, this bottom group (four now) is super close together so I’m trying to split them along very fine gradations.
Let Reece know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @LoLTies
Tectonic… again being forced to use a substitute, take a one position slip losing to Legacy and are yet to pick up a victory against any team not ORDER or Chiefs and have fallen to the bottom half of the ladder and are still very difficult to accurately rank due to these factors.
Legacy’s rise while a large rise however, is far closer to expectations of the roster whom had fallen to eighth in the previous week having failed to find consistency between matches. Hopefully this marks a turning point in the split and Legacy begin to find their groove coming into the back end.
As for the bottom two while both picking up wins in their respective series, Bombers and Avant slip to the bottom two positions with Legacy’s rise. The shift created by Legacy’s victory is largely in part to how close these three teams have been. Arguments can definitely be made for the ordering of the bottom three with Tectonic starting to slide down the ladder.
Let Callum know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @CDMLoL
I’m in line with the Community this week (something I thought I would never say just a couple of weeks ago). The Dire Wolves and the Chiefs undoubtedly are the top 2. While the games were close, ORDER failed to pick up a game win against Chiefs.
Legacy prevailing over Tectonic in a 2-0 I didn’t expect, nor was it particularly clean from them but I’m happy to see them up off the bottom of the rankings.
Bombers edge out AV only because they took a game off the Wolves, although even then they looked unbeatable and remain undefeated.
Let Swifty know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @Swift_y
Making its debut for the first time this split is the Community slot! These are calculated using the average of our community panel’s individual power rankings. This week that is: @ammeplays, @Dvcky_, @hispanicatd_, @insearchofshoe & @mcintyre_lol.
Let us know what you think of the Community power rankings on Twitter @snowballesports