Featuring Jake “Hysterics” Osypenko, here’s Snowball’s OPL Top 5 for week 7.
? The Plays ?
5: This jungle was Only big enough for one early game champion, as Legacy’s jungler takes out ORDER’s Spookz for First Blood.
4: Rogue & Tally find the Legacy backline with a fantastic engage on the back of the baron play to seal game one.
3: DarkSide and Jayke show some excellent botlane synergy, countering a Raes and Destiny bottom lane force into a clean 2v2 outplay.
2: Tectonic get full Value from their Xayah, as they hold the line in the midlane with a base-saving triple kill from their import ADC.
1: The Dire Wolves teach us that Silence is Golden with A well-timed stopwatch from k1ng and a great Equinox from Cupcake to turn MAMMOTH’s bottom lane play into two kills and a turret for the Wolfpack.
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