Featuring Jake “Hysterics” Osypenko, here’s Snowball’s OPL Top 5 for week 10.
? The Plays ?
5: BioPanther dials up some some deja-vu-ndo as The Madman of the Dire Wolves cleans up yet another roster with three kills for The Madman of Zaun.
4: Only holds the line with a stellar Explosive Cask to deliver Raid Boss Akali into his team and secure the teamfight down massive amounts of gold.
3: The Bombers and Seb deny the baron steal with a neatly timed Lamb’s Respite.
2: With a big assist from the purple wurm, Claire turns MAMMOTH’S baron play awound and saves his team.
1: Praedyth puts Tectonic on his shoulders and leads them to the promised land, obliterating DarkSide and Frae on the side while he splitpushes down the Nexus.
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