Featuring Kale “Genome” Morton, here’s the Top 5 from Week 5.
? The Plays ?
5. ORDER give the Mavericks the left-right-goodnight with a perfect Shield Bash from Yuki setting up a hole-in-one combo from Adam and Jordation on Hanamura.
4. Roro finds two brilliant barrages in 90 seconds, the second of which secured the win for Blank against Athletico on Numbani.
3. Lazki shattered Legacy’s playoff hopes in one fell swoop on Route 66 with a brilliant Earth Shatter to win the game.
2. Quatz keeps ORDER alive on Ilios with a huge Earth Shatter thanks to Yuki’s last second Shield Bash onto Minny.
1. Fractured sent half of Legacy back to the drawing board on Lighthouse with a perfectly timed boop.
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