Reigning Coach of the Split Bencel is with us again to break down who was the best player for each of our OPL teams in Week Five. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below! This week, teams that have played two matches will have two MVP’s listed!
Player images courtesy of












MVP Leaderboard at the “Halfway” Point
Claire – 4
Destiny – 3
FBI – 3
Looch – 3
Shok – 3
Tiger – 3
What does this tell us?
I think it’s fair to say so far this season it has been a time for mid laners to shine. When they can play champions like Zoe, Azir and Ryze they really have the opportunity to be making a lot of plays and to throw their weight around the map. These champions also have the ability to output a lot of damage in team fights making them all around solid meta picks until they are severely nerfed.
It also tells us that no team in the OPL is being more one man carried than Legacy. Not to tarnish Claire’s achievements so far this split, he has been the best player in the league so far and an inspiration for his team.
Keep in mind half the teams have played 6 rounds and the other half only 5 so the list is not gonna be completely balanced until super week is finished. Also some players didn’t have the opportunity to play for their teams in every match so far.