Reece “LoLTies” Perry is on hand to bring us the Snowball MVP’s of the Week for Split 2, Week 6. Check out who put in the best performance for your team below!

Legacy: Mimic
Legacy might have opted to give it to Raid but I fear I have to be brutal with my assessment here and say that this Mimic was the only player who did not let down their overall match performance with a poor moment, if not significant sections of game two. Mimic had relevant damage, strong overall play and reasonable positioning throughout the entire set and was not actively contributing to the second game going seven-to-ten minutes longer than it should have done. Legacy will have been glad to hang three points on the board but they won’t want to rely on continuing to get away with stuff like that if they want to consolidate a gauntlet place.

Tectonic: Papryze
Another ordinary week for Tectonic and we start to wonder if they hit their absolute-rolled-a-twenty-peak instead of it being a representative performance when they toppled Chiefs and ORDER because they’ve looked really poor in these last couple of losses. Debated giving this to either of the solo laners but in the end settled on Papryze because he had the more impressive highs. It’s easier for Shok to look better in game two as well, because they really threw Papryze to the wolves in that final game.

Much like week one, I could very easily have given this to Remind or Cuden, but i’m giving the edge to the support for his overall strong play across both games. He’s played really well this split which has been wonderful to see. I was impressed with his Pyke, and moreover impressed with his presence with his team throughout the match, always being where he needed to be and contributing to MAMMOTH’s fight-heavy style.

Avant Gaming: DarkSide
I really wanted to give this to Pabu who I thought had a good series against a resurgent Chippys, but in the end I can’t go past the raw damage output of DarkSide. This is one time where Pabu’s good play isn’t enough to go past DarkSide’s also solid play, but just simply overwhelming damage numbers. Especially considering game 2, where MAMMOTH don’t have a pure tank (only their poorest member is building tanky in Juves, and he’s still gone Runic Echoes) for DarkSide to boost his damage numbers.

Dire Wolves: Shernfire
This one is going to look a little weird when you consider his game two performance. But I contest that Shernfire is the MVP, and that his game two play exemplifies the reason why this is true rather than takes away from his case. Quite simply, these matches went as Shernfire did. Either he put Seb in the bin, and the Dire Wolves won with ease, or he showed off some Big Int Energy, and the Wolves couldn’t make make up for being one short. He was spectacular in their wins, and the reason they lost, and so he held the most value for his team in this match.

Bombers: Looch
This is a pick similar to the style of DarkSide for Avant in that it is for the overwhelming damage numbers he’s putting out for his team, notably in game 3 on Karthus, rather than being the standout performer. I found it difficult to pick a standout performer for the Bombers in this set because they were not great in the win, and took far too long closing out the game as their lead grew stagnant and began to shrink before the final fight that really sealed it for them.. And there was very little chance to show off much in their losses because they fell too far behind, too quickly.

Chiefs: Ry0ma
Tough pick here, mostly because I thought this was a pretty even effort from the Chiefs. They were all tugging on the rope together and no one player was clearly better than the rest of them. Once again, Ry0ma and Raes you’d have to put towards the stronger end of the group, but then Destiny was decent and then you realise you’re about to name all of them. Of all the players, I give the edge to Ry0ma simply for the way he took charge when Swiffer handled him quite well early. Previous iterations of Ry0ma would have tried too hard to force plays and lost them the game, but what we saw this week was patient and really good to see. Patience was the theme for the Chiefs this week – I think game 2 in particular was pretty close until they broke it open, and that took more than 20 minutes to do. I think the Chiefs will be really encouraged that they were able to hold their nerve twice (once from even, once from behind) in this series against a strong-of-late ORDER lineup, especially as they start to answer some of the lingering label of being a front-runner of a team.

I’ve long said that Oceanic players (with two exceptions) just should not play Ezreal because they can’t utilise it properly. FBI is one of the exceptions and he showed it in his game one performance. He was doing huge amounts of work on the pick and it was good to finally see him have a strong game. FBI has had a pretty quiet split I’ve felt and hopefully as we see more traditional compositions play out we’ll get to see FBI exploit the talent gap he has with most lane opponents on a 1-to-1 basis.