Welcome to the Snowball Esports OPL Power Rankings for Split 2, Week Seven.
Our panel consists of Snowball’s own Andrew Wray, Reece Perry, Callum Matthews and Swifty. New for power rankings this split is the Community slot. These are made up of our community panel’s individual personal power rankings, averaged together.

Want more detail as to why our panel put the teams in the order they did? Click below for more thoughts from each pundit.
With the results this week only providing one upset Tectonic have found them selves sliding down the ranks while the rest of the pecking order remains relatively unchanged.
Let Andrew know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @AWray7
Pretty boring top 4, we have 3 clear best teams. MAMMOTH look the next best overall, and I don’t think they should be getting penalised below fourth for getting well handled by the DW.
I agonised over LGC vs BMR as both teams have an identical win and you can make a very strong case that Bombers’ win over TTC was more impressive than Legacy’s. In the end I think that Legacy have looked better in their losses than the Bombers have – but obviously when I’m making this fine a gradation between two squads they’re both on pretty equal footing.
Tectonic and Avant are also still quite close and I don’t blame anyone for putting them in the other order. This race for fifth is going to get super-exciting.
Let Reece know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @LoLTies
Top half of the ladder remains stable with no shifts.
The bottom half is another matter. All four teams, are exceptionally close. Starting in 5th, Bombers were able to defeat Tectonic 2-0 and for that reason they are placed at the top of the bunch as the only team to pick up a game.
For the bottom three strength of schedule separates Legacy/Avant from Tectonic. Legacy and Avant being interchangeable, and for me Avant did not quite do enough to place higher despite a close game 2 against The Chiefs.
Let Callum know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @CDMLoL
Another week, another series win for Dire Wolves. Chiefs pick up what was a much closer 2-0 win over Avant than I had anticipated, playing from behind is becoming a trend for them.
ORDER and MAMMOTH keep the same spots in my rankings they did last week, but the bottom four have changed yet again.
Bombers picking up a 2-0 over Tectonic edged them a little higher than Legacy this week but for me, 5th & 6th are very close and 7th & 8th are just as close to each other as well. It was amazing to finally see Value play, and boy did he not disappoint. I’m excited to see more from him.
Let Swifty know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @Swift_y
Making its debut for the first time this split is the Community slot! These are calculated using the average of our community panel’s individual power rankings. This week that is: @ammeplays, @Dvcky_, @hispanicatd_, @insearchofshoe & @mcintyre_lol.
Let us know what you think of the Community power rankings on Twitter @snowballesports