Welcome to the Snowball Esports OPL Power Rankings for Split 2, Week Eight.
Our panel consists of Snowball’s own Andrew Wray, Reece Perry, Callum Matthews and Swifty. New for power rankings this split is the Community slot. These are made up of our community panel’s individual personal power rankings, averaged together.

Want more detail as to why our panel put the teams in the order they did? Click below for more thoughts from each pundit.
No changes this week in my rankings as results fall as expected. The big talking point for me this week however is can Legacy close the gap in the standings with 2 weeks to go?
Bombers may have done enough to get them selves over the line with Legacy having to take a game off either MAMMOTH or Chiefs assuming Bombers are sacked 0-2 next two series.
Let Andrew know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @AWray7
We’re somewhat returning to some split 1 normalcy here – the top and bottom of my list should look pretty darn familiar. I think the first three are a no-brainer, and I’m pretty convinced on the bottom 2 as well. AV have a real chance to break into the dogfight for the final gauntlet spots, but as we stand right now there’s a slight gap between them and 4-5-6.
And this 4-5-6 split is where all the fun happens. Right now I think that MAMMOTH is the most talented of these teams, but they’re struggling a bit getting it all to fire. They look dominant when they do, but it doesn’t happen often. I also think that sometimes they make things harder on themselves than they need to and it really makes them look worse than they are when things go south. Legacy have had the best results and have looked like making at least some of the improvements they needed to make. Decoy producing a really good Rakan performances out of a string of terrible ones was a huge help, and I thought his Alistar was encouraging as well. Bombers can’t get out of their own way. Sometimes it’s okay to be a predictable team when you can do your Plan A so well. These three teams are super-close together but based on how they’ve been lately, this is how I see them shaking out.
Let Reece know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @LoLTies
This week is very simplistic, with no tough decisions. Legacy and Bombers switching places after Legacy won 2-1 while AV continue to push for the 6th place position taking a map off ORDER.
Let Callum know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @CDMLoL
More shifting for me in the bottom end. Legacy jumping a couple of spots after their match against Bombers.
Let Swifty know what you think of his power rankings on Twitter @Swift_y
Making its debut for the first time this split is the Community slot! These are calculated using the average of our community panel’s individual power rankings. This week that is: @ammeplays, @Dvcky_, @hispanicatd_ & @insearchofshoe.
Let us know what you think of the Community power rankings on Twitter @snowballesports